02 studenoga 2007

Zašto poslije tekme piva!? Evo...

Tekst našao - Đaka

Broj komentara: 13:

Dinko kaže...

evo decki malo o borbi onoj iz filma 300

i jos nekoliko povjesnih slika iz toga doba:

i za kraj samo da kazem da nije bas postena ona anketa jer ne mogu se odlucit izmedu da je moja bolja slika i da su obadvije dobre jer i jedno i drugo stoji.

E da evo i onaj link sto sam htio stavit od super filma i nastavci:





AlexZG kaže...

Hmm prema wikipediji nije bilo samo 300 Spartanaca a ni ovih Perzijanaca nije bilo 800k ili 1000k.

I sad kome vjerovati:)

Anonimno kaže...

budem vam ja dao onaj ekspanzijski dvd koji sam gledao pa tamo ima i dokumentarac pa pogledajte...

Dinko kaže...

ono sto je poanta je da je bilo 300 spartanaca+jos iz grcke ljudi(sve skupa oko 5000), i da su sa nikakvim gubicima ubili 20 000 protivnika.
To je nesto strasno.
wikipedia je jako tocna enciklopedija, i procitaj cijelu pricu, jako je zanimljiva.
Imas dio sa velicinom Perzijske vojske , uglavnom ovisno o povjesnicaru broj perzijanaca je izmedu 220 000 i milijona protiv 5000-7000 grka a 300 spartanaca je bilo na celu toga.

Wikipedia je super stranica sa vrhinskim objasnjenjima gotovo svega, i treba se cesto koristiti kada se nesto trazi.

Recimo za hrvatsku je pisalo da je odlukom ustavnog suda u hrvatskoj izjednaceno guranje prsta u supak sa rukovanjem

pogle ovo:

Failure of the frontal assault

Xerxes waited four days for the Greek force to disperse. On the fifth day he sent Medes and Cissians, along with relatives of those who had died ten years earlier in the battle of Marathon, to take the Greeks prisoner and bring them before him.[32][33] They soon found themselves in a frontal assault.[32] The Greeks had camped on either side of the rebuilt Phocian wall. The wall was guarded and the Greeks fought in front of it.[34]

Details of the tactics are scant. Diodorus says "the men stood shoulder to shoulder" and the Greeks were "superior in valor and in the great size of their shields."[35] The formation being described is the standard Greek phalanx, a wall of overlapping shields and layered spear points, which would only have been effective if it spanned the width of the pass. Herodotus says that the units for each state were kept together.[21] The small shields and shorter spears of the Persians were not a match for the superior armament of the Greek hoplites.[35][36] The Greeks killed so many Medes that Xerxes is said to have started up off the seat from which he was watching the battle three times.[37] According to Ctesias, the first wave was "cut to pieces" with only two or three Spartans dead.[38]

According to Herodotus and Diodorus, the king, having taken the measure of the enemy, threw his best troops into a second assault on the same day: the Immortals, an elite corps of 10,000 men.[35][36] Ctesias tells a totally different story, that Xerxes sent another 20,000 troops against the Greeks, after the first 10,000 under Artapanus were defeated. They also failed to open the pass even though they were flogged by their leaders to press on.[38] Although there might have been 10,000 Medes, the Immortals were only 10,000 and as elite troops it would not have been necessary to flog them. On the second day Xerxes sent, according to Ctesias, another 50,000 men to assault the pass, but again they failed. Xerxes at last stopped the assault and withdrew to his camp, totally perplexed.[38]

Anonimno kaže...


Dinko kaže...

zasto nitko nije pogledao filmice ove sa youtubea sto sam postao?

Anonimno kaže...

ma sve to stoji samo sam htio objasnit da su neke povijesne cinjenice nategnute i za film malo promjenjene...
Al istina je da je perzijanaca bilo nekoliko stotina puta vise mozda i tisuca...

Dinko kaže...

samo da znate, osobu koja je sjebala ono tamo sa lokacijama birtija sa ozujskom za 10 kuna cu udavit.

Mrtav si tko god da jesi, a saznat cu tko je

Anonimno kaže...

mislim da je to sasa,jer ja nisam a miro nema net kod kuce....
Demolition i nemoze se popravit da ga .....

Dinko kaže...

da, nemre se popravit jer je netko to pobriso...

Grrr, ak je sasa mrtav je jer sam jucer bio kod njega i tamo prvi put to vidio i reko je da nema pojma o tome

Dinko kaže...

moze bit da je miro jer je bilo sjebano jucer popodne a miro je na poslu prcko po blogu

AlexZG kaže...

e daka ne seri, ne seri, jedino si ti toliko spetljan da to urads

Dinko kaže...



Ekipa "Srce Isusovo"

Ekipa "Srce Isusovo"